Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is Love????

Sometimes, I really don't think the world knows what love is. Actually, as a whole, it doesn't. Think about it. There is so many different types of people; broken people, suicidal teenagers, devastated friendships...

What do they all have in common?

 Pain. Pain. Pain is not caused by love. Love heals. And I know you can argue that love has broken up relationships, marriages, etc. But I firmly don't believe this. Don't you think if it was true love, that wouldn't happen? I mean, no, this world is not perfect, so perfect love doesn't exist, but a love that goes beyond what you ordinarily see, does. And why? Because it's from God. Because God is love. Those who believe in God believe in love. Because they've experienced it first hand. You can never argue this point unless you've experienced it. And even then, you wouldn't argue this point. Again, why? Well...

It bears all things,
believes all things,
endures all things.
Love never fails. 

 Love is sustainable. Beautiful. Gracious. Overwhelming. Love, in itself, when alone, as just a word, is perfect. Because God is perfect. But what we do, the circumstances that arise in this world, that try seeking, trying, utilizing love, are what cause them to fumble. To give up. Maybe even try again, but when they do, it never seems to get easier. And that's because, one of the biggest secrets Satan hates to let be known, is that people ultimately, are trying to have love. The bigger picture? God. They're seeking God. Their life just becomes a web or maze of confusion. They know they've been down this road before, or tried similar routes, but that's the thing. They are always looking in the wrong places. Always going the wrong directions. Looking the wrong way. Getting the wrong idea. The truth is, they are looking to the world for answers. For some, that's all they've known. God has never existed, or he's just a figment of imagination that has no solid foundation. 

The world is a lost place. People have always tried taking control, taking things into their own hands, and they've lost focus over the generations. It's never worked. You can try to tell me that there are normal happy families who aren't Christian or know God, but I bet that is based off of observation. And what about those who tell me you are those people that are live happy lives? Truly, deep down, somewhere, if you searched yourselves, you would find you're not truly satisfied.And what if you're positive that you are right? I would say you either haven't looked close enough because you don't want to, which would only imply you are afraid to find out, or that you fool yourself. And it is very rare for people to be happy all the time. Nearly impossible. But there is a huge difference between soulfully satisfied and an emotional happy. Soulfully satisfied is when, despite everything, you have something to rejoice about, to be thankful for, to be content despite your circumstance.  

And this is where I lead in to tell you that Love never fails.  Love doesn't fail people. People fail love. People fail God. But God, won't fail you. He loves you. He loves you with Agape love. (Self-sacrificing love)  I say love never fails because love is exactly what always picks people back up again. That healing. That couple that fought last night, they made up because of their love for each other. Love brings people together. It's a connection. Love is so powerful that it overcomes evil. That teenager who's been an orphan since 3 that the mother just found? Love restores what is broken. That teenager all her life probably told herself her mother didn't love her. Hated her. Then what changed in the mother? Love. She finally knows what it is. Has experienced God's grace. His love. Has experienced Him. (Why else would love be so powerful?) What's going to bring that teenager around? Love. 

Love is able to bear all things,
                                          believe all things, 
                                                                  endure all things, .....
                                                                                                     because it's healing. 

Love restores what once was, what was broken, un-whole, shattered.  Love is able to occur because once, along time ago, Jesus broke through death with it. Because it's perfect. He's perfect.  Not even death can kill  or conquer love. It's already been defeated. 

Love has no bounds. No maze or journey to get to it. It's alive and around, but you need to call out to it. To God. That's all. That simple. Only then will you know what love is. Love is...unfathomable. That's why it's powerful. We don't understand either. But we experience it. And because of that experience, we know it's real, true, genuine, and perfect. Prefect because it will never disappoint us. But most importantly, love is sacrificial, never thinking about yourself.

Love doesn't have to be a mystery.
Call for it. 

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