Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Not Just Any Perfect Love Story

Every girl wishes for that perfect love story. Where the guy is the most handsomest specimen you've ever seen, and it just seems like you both will overcome the world and anything it will send your way. Okay, so that could be a little exaggerated if you are thinking more rational. Other girls don't see any hope on the other hand. You might just look at me and say, "Um, have you been to my school? Because I can't even get a guy to hold a door open for me." And I totally agree with you. What is this? Do we need to go back to the 14th century where knights have the most unthinkable chivalry moves? Because I'm all in. Just kidding, I'm not. Because I've made a discovery, girlfriends. One that I want to change your perspective with.

First of all, I want to start with a quote that validates everything.

"Ladies, a real man opens more than a door. He opens his bible."

You want the perfect prince charming? Then number 1) He better be a Christian  and number 2) He better be the guy God has made just for you.
When we surrender everything to God, always seeking His will for our lives, God blesses us with the only the best. That's what we deserve. Because we are His children. That he loves with an everlasting love. Satan may do a lot of damage and havoc down here, but he's not in control. And that doesn't mean God doesn't want us to have a joy  filled life. On the contrary, He wants us to live to fullest, to be joyful, thankful, and prayer filled.

“A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.” ~ Maya Angelou

Entirely true. A guy shouldn't just see you when he glances or even stares at you. One of the first things that should go off in his head besides "Wow, she's beautiful"  is that you are a beautifully strong woman of God. And what should grow on him, is his admiration to how faithful and pure you are. Those are some key things that will be part of his growing love for you.
When God is your all, and you live with your identity in Christ, then it will be the most gorgeous thing that he just can't seem to get his mind off of. Because that's you. That's who you are. And it's breathtaking. Believe me when I tell you that he will admire it for the rest of his life. Every day it's something he's just gonna love; it will never get old!

Something else pretty attractive...the proverbs 31 women.
"A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies."

What girl doesn't want to feel and be worth more than rubies?! To a girl, that is like, one of the best things ever that could happen. And the good news? You can be! God is constantly working through us, is he not? And with habitual prayer, and the desire that he places in your heart, you will be one. God never gives up on us. But we tend to give up on him. And is this not admirable? You may have already re-read that, at least a couple times already. Like me. Like every time I ever come across it. Just imagine how much more your future husband will value it.

"Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value."

I love this. I desperately want to be that woman and wife who walks with confidence in herself because of her intimate relationship with God. Girlfriend, I want you to walk virtuously, purely, more than gold, as a  princess of the most High King. It's what God expects of you, because girl, we see ourselves too lowly. This is how God sees you, ultimately. And we need to see it ourselves. Because only then, will we live and walk like it. And feel a more stupendous sense of freedom and joy. These are key to how your future husband will have "full confidence" in you. He will marvel it. Relish it. Boast about it! And it will make your marriage a step easier. One step closer to the perfect love story.

Friends, a perfect love story begins where serving ourselves ends. You have to be a Christian that really serves God as you surrender everything to Him. You need to have an intimate relationship with God, as should your spouse, because a relationship with God is the foundation on which your marriage will stand. Loving God above all else, will make life more efficient as your purpose is to please God. When your focus is on God, everything else falls into place. Perfectly.

And one more thing...
“Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."


You want to surpass them all? All those other beautiful women in the world? You want to stand out to your husband? Including the first moment he lays eyes on you? Then be a woman of integrity. Besides all that has already been mentioned above, you should stay true to your future husband at a young age. God has already matched you with your match; you are a future couple. So live like your already taken.
What you do now will effect your future. Your oh-so-wanting happy future. If you want it badly enough, you'll stay true, genuine, and pure at a young age. I know, this is hard. But I also have found a way to make it a ton easier.
Start developing a love for your future husband now.

It's like beginning your love story now. Every girl can't wait for it to happen. Well friend, you can start early. Like all things, these things take time. And the more you practice it, the easier, better, closer to perfection it comes. Even when you're married, you're still going to feel like you are perfecting it. But that's also part of the journey. The catch is, you will be saving yourself a lot of heartache and hurt emotions by starting now. And it should be fun. Your love story can be a blessing from God if you let Him lead you.

Here's a little analogy to help it feel all the more possible:

You know how we love God with all our hearts and yet we don't see Him?
 The same could be applied to our future husband.

Does that change your perspective? It surely changed mine! This is as much a promise to your future husband as it is to God. To help me in any sort of temptation Satan may fling my way, I bought a promise/purity ring. Because I always see it, see it glimmer in the sunlight, or how beautiful it looks on my finger, it never fails in reminding me that's how gorgeous and beautiful I want to look in my husband's eyes. And not only that, but that I have made a promise. A promise of commitment. A promise to make a perfect love story for myself!

Think like this...
I am the only one my future husband deserves...anyone else wouldn't be God's best for him!
And I don't deserve anyone short of him that's not God's best.

Girlfriend, don't sell yourself short of God's plans for you. Let God's dream for you be the dream for yourself. When you let the unthinkable happen with God in the drivers seat, you start to believe there is more to life than just any other marriage. You will realize you don't have to read romance books, watch romance movies, or travel in a time machine to the 14th century of chivalrous Knights to swoon over an amazing love story. You can have your own.

So let me ask....
Is your Prince Charming worth it all?


  1. Yup! MY Prince Charming is worth it!!!!!!!
    And so is your's young ladies! So listen to the words of my wise wonderful cousin Hadassah :)
    Your doing a beautiful inspired job Esther!!
    Yahweh bless you!!!!

    Love ya!
    Stefania~For Zion's Sake I will NOT be silent!!

  2. Awww thank youuu :) <3 I can't wait to find my soul purpose in life to honor and glorify Him with.
