Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Genuine Friendships: A Bond that Lasts

It's funny. Before this year, I was unsure if lasting, forever friendships truly lasted. Call it ironic, but I have two best friends since kindergarten and 1st grade from public school...a best friend from church...and one from SusieMag, a Christian girl magazine.
I wondered as I got older, and grew out of movie fairy tales, what it would take to keep them secure. As I matured, it grew from, do we have attend the same college so we're always with each other? to are drama and impulsive, unreasoning feelings going to destroy it? These seem obvious answers, but they aren't to the person worrying. Their perspective is held by Mr. Frightening. Know him?

It hasn't been until this year, that my eyes have really opened; to something big. A genuine friendship you don't work for. Just like you don't work for salvation. A genuine, lasting friendship, you earn, deserve, with grace. Ultimately? A genuine friendship comes when you're both followers of God. God is all about truth. About being genuine. Genuine Truth. There's no compromises...no lies whatsoever.

A genuine friend doesn't steal your boyfriend...doesn't divulge your secrets...or spread rumors. Nope. Their way more than that. They are the people that you say are too good to be to true. That your not worth having. That may seem better than you...too good for you. Wait, stop. What are those sentences...hm, yes, compromises. That my friend, is the kind of friend we all need. We need that kind of person who will help us become genuine. How do you think people become genuine? All on their own? Certainty not! Those kinds of people have a powerful secret that allows them to be genuine. Before, they were just like you any one else in the crowd. Genuineness stands out. Does it not? Do you want to? Again, is that too good to be true?

Before you answer heavily yes, know this: their secret is God.

I can't tell you how awesome of a thing that truly is. I know you may want to roll your eyes or regret reading this after I say it's God...but it doesn't have to be a bad thing, at all. I wouldn't be wasting my time writing all this if I didn't discover the secret myself. Because, honestly, not that long ago, the same thoughts of yours were running through in my brain. But seriously, hear me out.

Do you know someone who all they do is encourages you? Who can feel your pain, who will give up going to a party, even a date with her boyfriend to comfort you...To me, that sounds like a person who cares so much about you and loves you that they willingly put you before them. They aren't selfish. And their life isn't all about them. They are the type of girlfriends where when its midnight, and their exhausted, they ask if you want to talk about it, and sacrifice their essay that's due the next day...just to be there for you. And they don't have to. You know that. They could have many options. They can just text ya tomorrow...email you in the next day or two, call you sometime...when they can find time. In other words, they just shrug you off, like their socks at night that they throw on the ground telling themselves they'll put them in the hamper in the morning. Well, aren't you special. Guess what...

You're better than that.

Your better than what they don't want to give up. You think that's obvious? Then why don't you feel that? Feel that way all of the time....

Some of the most genuine people, like Amy on here, I've gotten to know really well. And I can promise you something. God is so concerned for you that he'll give you friends like these. Pray about it, I'm sure he's actually eager to answer! Besides, your also his daughter. And he even knows the genuine you...and can't wait till you discover that phenomena. Amy, just one person, has changed me. I can tell that I've gotten more genuine. I praise and thank God every day for her! She always felt my pain...always knew how to make my days, knew how to make me laugh at loud, knew how to make me smile so wide in global class at school...and this list just goes on and on.

Friends, happy moments are like fairy-tales. Hard to keep lasting and come by. Genuine friendships, the kind that lasts and bonds you in Christ is a reality. But it won't be a reality to you until you make it one. Christ is the one where we get our sympathetic hearts, our caring and loving spirit because he IS love. If you don't have a relationship with God...then you won't have a genuine relationship with another person. The world isn't a cruel place...it's the people you choose around that make it one to you. You have a choice. I encourage you to live one of the many happy Christian lives that so many at this minute live. Find those genuine friendships. They are out there. I promise. You have the power to reach out, step out. God is with you.

Something else...Stop dreaming. We tend to wish for things more than act on them. Genuine friendships are waiting for you...don't let your hurt or worry scare you. Scare Mr. Frightening away yourself.

Determination is the key.

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