Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankfulness is a Constant Verb

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, 
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

 For the longest time now, I've been trying to figure out what I am most thankful for for this Thanksgiving season. And it has come to this: I am most thankful for who God IS. I know this is late, but that's because until now I haven't been able to figure it out. I wanted something specific, with depth, something not ordinary or lamely original that everyone posts on Facebook, such as, "I am thankful for all my family and friends and those that love me." This really gets old when you've seen it for the hundredth time all worded almost exactly the same as any other. I realize a lot of people are thankful for the same thing and it's just personal for each person, and to not be too harsh and critical, but there is a different point that unnerves me that is the true reason. 

  • When was the last time you saw someone post about why they're thankful or because of whom they are thankful? People end their thankfulness with it flying in the wind, letting the world know what they are thankful for, but never consider the reason behind what they have and who they have. 
        It's frustrating to see the world so absorbed with themselves resulting in a shallow life. They are missing out on the many blessings that would show them what they are truly missing rather than being deceived by a lifeless life that is missing God. 

  • The second thing is if people live every day as thankful as they are on one day of the year. I realize this is a really hard thing to do as we are so caught up in life. Even I have trouble with this. But may I offer this as a daily challenge? And not a struggle? 
        We tend to reflect about all we're thankful for on one day as well, and some more so than others if you take it more seriously. For some, it's enough to just bring to the forefront what we know to be thankful for like robots when really never truly contemplating anything. So my question is, are we truly appreciative of all we mention? Of all we live with and what we own? 

I strongly believe that true thankfulness is:

 Living a Godly life...
 in which we serve Him (not ourselves) in anything and everything...
Giving all the glory and Honor to Him...
Praising Him even throughout the storms...
Thanking Him in prayer for our life daily...

 To put it simply, if you are truly thankful,...

You will live a life that is for God in response to Him being the reason that you live. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

"I'm a Christian" Catch: Fan or Follower?

It's so easy to call yourself a Christian. So easy in fact, that you fool yourself. You do all the right motions as one. And besides, you're nice to everyone. You go to church, either every Sunday, or most of the time, or you go on Holidays, and most importantly, whats societies' most twisted lie: you believe in God. That's hardly enough for God. That's like telling your AP English teacher you can say the Alphabet backwards. Let me share some hard core truth with you. Believing in God, doesn't make you a Christian. Period.

There's a difference between saying you are Christian, and living like one. And there is also a difference between being a fan of Jesus and a follower of Jesus. Being a follower and a Christian need to go hand in hand. All this time, you've probably thought yourself a follower. And maybe you are. But my goal here is to convict you farther.

The definition of fan in the dictionary is this, "An enthusiastic admirer."  
It's just that. It's the crowd in the stadium of the football game. The girls who never miss their favorite TV shows ever and have them recorded. The people that are up to date on the most famous celebrities, and perhaps know ALL about them. From their birthdays to favorite clothing accessories. 

           In Jesus' day, there were thousands upon thousands of fans that followed Jesus around when He preached. They would camp out, listen to his truth, and all the good things they wanted to hear. Many people were inspired by his teachings. Jesus even did a miracle of using some pieces of bread to feed thousands at one point. Talk about yummy benefits! Jesus wouldn't be the only thing I'd start admiring.But at one point, in Luke chapter 14, Jesus decided to draw the heady line. Ultimately, it wasn't the size of the crowd that knew and listened to him, it was their level of commitment. 
"Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: ' if anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.' "
That's some serious stuff. At this, I'm sure a good amount of people started getting up and walking away. That's not what they wanted to hear. Everything was going great. Why did he have to say that? Because it's never been about what we want, or about us in general, but all about Him. The second thing, is the confusion of why he said "...does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters..." This obviously goes against what the bible says to love everyone. Even your enemies. But that's not what he was getting at. His point was that even though it was culturally disgraceful to leave your family without their blessing, following Jesus meant sacrifice. It would be different if the family supported your decision to follow him. 
Other translations state, " 'You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than...' " Here the point is that he is talking about comparison. In comparison to everything/everyone that He's given you, you must love Him beyond all other measures. With your whole heart. God doesn't do second best in our lives. It's all or nothing. 

The definition of Follower in the dictionary is this, 
"A person who follows  another in regard to his or her ideas or belief; disciple or adherent." 
"A person who imitates, copies, or takes as a model or ideal"

Most people have John 3:16  memorized. But what they don't have memorized is Luke 9:23.
"If anyone would come after me, 
he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." 

Everyone knows you are suppose to believe in God, which John 3:16 emphasizes.But to most fans, Luke 9:23 hasn't sounded appealing to what they want to give, or maybe they just haven't heard of it. Either way,  it emphasizes following. 

A lot of people think their followers because they know about God. But they don't actually know God. They confuse their knowledge of Him for Intimacy. Intimacy is a whole different level. People believe they know God by all the facts, sermons and lectures they've heard and studied over the years. But that's just like saying you know all about a celebrity but you're not close to them. For those of us who have grown up in a Christian family, hearing the words, "Jesus died on the cross because He loves us so much" has lost it's luster, if you will. We've grown up hearing about it and it being said so much that it never truly took root. The seed was planted, but not nurtured enough to make it our own. It never became intimate. And now, that's one of the biggest reasons why we have a hard time understanding why God wants to be known by us.

"O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 
You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my every thought when far away. 
You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD."

Honestly, sometimes I still have trouble with this verse. I have trouble letting it sink my heart in awe or wooed by love...His love is so profound I just can not grasp it! However, it does put me into awe that He would want to lavish us with love, His creation, because we'er so...well, you can't even compare yourself. But to the point. Being a follower requires a full pledged commitment to being aware of Him in everything you think or do. Once you can grasp that, it's easier to keep Him at the front of your life like this. This allows for growing intimacy. It allows for a deep relationship with Him. And it makes it hundred times easier to live and be a devoted follower, and not just call yourself a Christian because you feel, not know, that there is a God.

This is all just part of what defines a fan from a follower, but you"ll have to read, Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman to discover the rest. So my question is...

What are you? Just kidding. 
What do you want?

Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When it Comes Down to It, Matter Doesn't Matter

 You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of dust...this is what I sing as I sit here, ring-less. Discouraged. Guilty. A burden of a tear heavy in my right eye.  I rub my left hand ring finger. It's so barren. It's gone. My ring is actually gone. I couldn't believe my eyes. The ring I had only been wearing for a matter of weeks, that meant the world to me, something I would consider a prized possession, was lost.

 Since my one post entitled, Not Just Any Perfect Love Story, I've been working on creating my own love story. I've been trying to develop a love for my future husband now. I want a love story that's beautiful in which I can save myself a ton of heartache later. But that part, was exactly what I kept forgetting to say over and over to myself.  I wasn't memorizing it, so when the devil would try something new, more sneaky, and I didn't immediately back myself up with anything, because I had nothing solid to grasp. There was so much I had written in that post, I couldn't pinpoint anything. In that small amount of time, he was slowly capturing me. It's so easy to get off track, to forget everything important such as already being taken.

The world tells you you're single. God tells you He's already matched you up with some amazing prince charming, and him with you.  You're so valuable, that you've already been given the best. Your other half is exactly what you need to make you one. You were made to be compatible. You're a couple, already connected. And God will see that you find each other, in what we translate as a beginning of a beautiful love story. Don't fear prince charming not being what you wanted, what you expected. Truth is, no one knows you like God knows you. He made you to be and act who you are. Therefore, he knows what you need. And trust me, you will not be disappointed.

Now the question is, how could I forget all this??? Well, I return to the moment before Satan started tempting me to lose my focus. I couldn't think of anything fast enough. My guard was down and I didn't know it. It was like he unhitched my alarm system. Looking back now, I guess it was a slow process he used.  Lazily, I slid aside what was really important; retaining and memorizing the most important phrase: Develop a love for your future husband now. In the way way back of my mind, I thought, I already know this, I already know it all. I'm fine.  I felt like it was already inside my heart. Nothing to worry about. I realize now that if I did bring that, oh-so-important phrase to heart, my "alarm" would of gone off.

This leaves me with the rest of the story.
 I have two cousins that mean the world to me, and one gave me a very, precious, meaningful ring. It was plain, silver, and in Hebrew said, "I am my beloved's, and my beloved mine." It was beautiful. It held an incredible amount of symbolism, and with the ring, felt like I now could never go wrong. It melted my heart every time I looked at it. I wanted that ring to do so much for me. To keep me reliable. To be my 24/7 accountability partner. I counted on that ring to keep me straight. After all, it melted my heart easily. After awhile I naturally out of habit rubbed it with my other fingers, letting it's truth reverberate through me. It's value in my eyes was priceless. And still is.
So recently at a resort in Disney World, I was swimming in a long, river shaped pool. At one point, it almost fell off, probably due to me being cold and veins shrinking. So barely noticing, I just slid it farther on. In the shower later, I realized it was missing. And suddenly my heart fell to the floor. This can't be happening. I thought. It has to be right here somewhere. It has to be. Please be right here... But it wasn't. Deep down, I knew that. Right away I started questioning God for what I was starting to figure out. I felt so...terrible. Unworthy of that ring, unworthy of Him. He took the ring away from me. I felt incredibly punished. I cried out to him silently, under my breath. Why God? Why? I'm so sorry! Please have mercy! Please give it back! I've learned my lesson! I assure you! How couldn't I? Oh Please! Why God? Please! 

The truth is, in the end, matter doesn't matter.

I learned that the very, sacrificing, painful way. That ring could do no more for me than it already it. It encircled my finger. It's like building hope on something that can't stand.  Except I didn't want something I just couldn't see. I wanted something with mass. And the thing is,  that ring was no more alive and real than what was in my heart, honestly. And I find shame in that. Frankly, I was shocked when I realized where my heart really was. I guess God's tests, ( that aren't even punishments, actually) really always do work out for good. And that's the perspective I need to set now.

That ring will never be able to hold my life together for me. I was desperate, and acknowledging that now, I realize why. All these truths were on my heart, but not in my heart. When I normally think of it being on my heart, its something I think about. But it being in my heart, means its actually sunk in. That I actually engage it and live it out.

I am a beautiful thing made out of dust. So are you. And were made to be healed and forgiven. If I'm so desperately sorry, I will pursue these truths more passionately. Be like a ruby. Rubies have their value in rarity. And just like for them, in the end, matter doesn't matter.

Beautiful Things is by Gungor